26 Forecasters
10 Rookies2,072 Station Forecasts
2 Interns
3 Journeyman
11 Senior
560” Total Snowfall
Don Sutherland has successfully defended his Chief Forecaster title by winning handily the 9th Annual NE.Wx Snowfall Forecast Contest.
Don/s final scores:
AVG SUMSQ Z-score: -1.165
AVG Total Absolute Error Z-score: -1.175
AVG Error: 1.3"
Don wins a copy of the book New England Weather New England Climate...by Gregory Zielinski and Barry Keim and one month of FREE access to StormVista GOLD.
Second place goes to Raven...last year/s Chief Season-total forecaster.
Raven/s final scores:
AVG SUMSQ Z-score: -0.685
AVG Total Absolute Error Z-score: -0.516
AVG Error: 1.8"
TQ finished in third place.
TQ/s final scores:
AVG SUMSQ Z-score: -0.679
AVG Total Absolute Error Z-score: -0.980
AVG Error: 1.5"
Honorable Mention: shanabe
Shanabe/s final scores:
AVG SUMSQ Z-score: -0.646
AVG Total Absolute Error Z-score: -0.562
AVG Error: 1.6"
Contest summary @ the web site.
Thanks to everyone who entered a forecast. Hope to see y'all again next winter.