Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hey Dude, Where/s My Snow?

Apparently it/s on the other side of the globe where snow has been causing major traffic trubbles of late in Krasnoyarsk...Russia.

Back in the day, Krasnoyarsk was a small part of the vast Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Siberian city of ~1x10-6 people is located ~1000 km N of Mongolia and about the same distance NE of Kazakhstan. Other nearby republics once under the thumb of the ol' USSR are Kickstan...Hotdogstan...and Trashcanistan...but I digress.

City authorities report ~300 accidents occurred today...not because of the snowy weather...but because of 'careless drivers' who don/t drive at the 'appropriate speed' given the 'complicated' wx conditions and they/re driving on summer tires with 'worn out protectors.'

Krasnoyarsk/s 'special services' were apparently not up to the task of 'sprinkling the roads' because there was too little special equipment and the 'schedule of snow cleaning and road sprinkling was violated.'

Despite the on-going chaos on local highways...the mayor found time to meet with Father Frosts and Snow Maidens to make final preparations for the upcoming New Year celebration.

"There will be 38 fir-trees in the yards in Soviet district, the biggest district in Krasnoyarsk. A Local Father Frost noted "there will be plenty of surprises at the main district fir-tree." "

"Sverdlovsky district Father Frost told a lot of residents had been removed from dilapidated accommodation to new apartments in his district in 2006. Apart from that, the water pipe on the Bazaikha River was changed into a new one..."

The city has been named the 'most dynamically developing town' of Russia this year.

As if that wasn/t enough excitement for one day...the city announced a dating agency for animals will sponsor a booth at the upcoming 'New Year Fairy Tale' trade show.

All of which begs the question: can it be harmful to live with too much snow?

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