SN-to-H2O ratios are average values where combined storm-total snowfall is divided by storm-total melt water...which can mask the effect of changes in the vertical temperature profile SN:H2O was 12:1 on Saturday @ BTV and 18:1 on Sunday. BGM/s ratio is not reported b/c it was contaminated by Saturday/s freezing precipitation; however...Monday/s 1.2" FES SN:H2O was 40:1.
New daily records
BOS - 7.6" (5"; 1896)
ORH - 8.4" (6"; 1896)
CAR - 9.2" (7.3"; 1978)
Final results and storm summary on Wednesday.
Please report errors in 'Remarks.'
EWR should be 1.2 instead of 1.1.
ReplyDeleteThanks to donsutherland1 for catching the error.