Sunday, December 30, 2007

Contest # 4 - Call for Forecasts

Northern stream short-wave progged to spread contest-worthy snows across the forecast area as it migrates east from the Great Lakes and excites cyclogenesis in the waters off SNE coast on New Year/s Day.

Deadline: 10:30 PM EST Monday...31 December 2007
Forecast verification begins: 12:01 AM EST Tuesday...01 January 2008

Enter your forecast via the Contest/s web site
Follow the link to 'Enter Storm Forecast.'

Please enter 0.05 for trace amounts instead of a 'T.'

All forecasts will be posted by the Contest Administrator to the NE_Wx Google Group before 11 PM EST Monday...31 December 2007 and to the Contest web site by Tuesday afternoon.

Contest subject to cancellation before the deadline…if forecast conditions warrant.

More information about the contest/s rules…forecast verification…and scoring can be found @ the web site.

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Forecasters need to register once before entering…even if they were registered last year.

Registration is simple…requiring only a user name and password. If you provide a valid e-mail address…a copy of your forecast will be sent to you. Please ensure your browser is enabled to accept first-party cookies.

Each contest must have a minimum of seven (7) forecasters for the results to be included in the end-of-season standings.

The NE.Wx Snowfall Forecast Contest (NEWxSFC) is a multi-month event that continues into late March or early April. In general…contests are held whenever a decent…synoptic-scale storm rears its head and threatens at least a half-dozen forecast stations with more than nuisance snowfall amounts. Forecasters are called to post their 'storm total' snowfall predictions…on deadline…for 27 NWS / FAA observing stations scattered about New England and the Mid-Atlantic regions. The Contest Administrator determines the deadlines for entries…verifies all forecasts…and publishes the final results to the Contest/s web site.

Please be sure to read the rules before entering the contest b/c your entry constitutes agreement to abide by them.

You can find the Contest Rules and additional information about error scoring…current monthly snowfall climatology from NCDC…daily CPC teleconnection indices…daily NESDIS NHEMI snow cover…and NWS Daily Climate Bulletins (CDUS41) by pointing your browser here.

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