Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Contest # 3 - Verification

Preliminary storm-total snowfalls from CDUS41 and CF6 bulletins for Sunday and Monday.

SN-to-H2O ratio for MDT is estimated.

Minor discrepancy between amounts reported by 12/30 CDUS41 (0.9") and F6 (0.3") @ PWM.

CAR amount is suspect given its 10:1 ratio and the vertical temperature profile during the event; however..VCNTY PNS reports suggest 3.4" is likely correct.

New daily records
BGR - 8.2" (6.4"; 1972)
CON - 10.1" (6"; 1879)
PWM - 6.6" (4.3"; 1893)
ALB - 7.9" (6.4"; ?)

Final results and storm summary on Wednesday.
Please report errors in 'Remarks.'

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