Shanabe takes possession of 1st place after four snowstorms with a best '3 out of 4' average SUMSQ Z-Score of -1.225...having moved up from 4th place in the previous interim standings. He was propelled into the lead by his run-away 1st place finish in Contest #4.
Donsutherland1 (-1.182) and TQ (-0.589) drop one click to second and third place...respectively.
Herb @MAWS (-0.443) holds on to 4th place. Donald Rosenfeld (-0.430) made the largest move by advancing from 9th to 5th.
SUMSQ errors are normalized with a 'Z-score' for each contest snow storm...then averaged to compute the standings. Forecasters who have entered at least 2/3 of all snow storm contests are included in the standings.
If a forecaster has participated in more than two-thirds of all snow storm contests...then Z-scores from their 'best two-thirds' forecasts are used to calculate interim and final standings. Same idea as dropping the lowest quiz score before computing the final grade.
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