Friday, October 31, 2008

8th Annual Season-total Snowfall Forecast Contest

(Updated below)

NE.Wx/s annual ‘Season-total' Snowfall Forecast Contest is your absolute best...biggest...and probably ONLY chance to be recognized for your long-range forecasting acumen; a recognition you so richly deserve.

Not only that...but if you win the get a copy of "The Snow Booklet" Nolan J. Doesken and Arthur Judson or "New England Weather New England Climate" Gregory Zielinski and Barry Keim

What other incentive could you possibly want to enter the Contest ?

The reigning NE.Wx ‘Season-Total’ Snowfall Forecasting Champ-een is Duke kc2dux
Last year/s results here.

Forecast element: sum-total season snowfall
Forecast period: December 1, 2008 through March 31, 2009
Verification: NWS preliminary climate reports (CLM or F6)
Error statistic: absolute error

Deadline: Sunday...30 November...2008 @ 11:59 PM EST

Visit the website to enter your forecast. Follow the link from 'Enter Season-total Forecast.'

As always...there/re no costs...fees...or annoying requests for personal information to enter.

The Contest is open to any and all of the following:
Amateur and professional forecasters; broadcasters with or without trained Seals; weather-biz types and wanna-bees; wish-casters...astrologers...and other class of dreamers; Pollyannas or Cassandras; registered Nostradamusts; non-violent megalomaniacs; woolly-bear caterpillars or their agents; pest detectives...NE.Wx Usenet NG or GoogleGroup regulars and lurkers...refugees from EUSWx...StormVista...Golden Snowball...and meteorologists.

Trolls, goats, hat3-lsiters, and psests need not apply.

Deadline for entries has passed. Forecasts have been posted on the web site.

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