Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Winter '09 / '10 - Expecting el Niño

NOAA/s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) expects a moderate to strong el Niño during the upcoming winter (3-month Niño-3.4 SST index of +1.0°C or greater)...which suggests a good chance for above-average precipitation along most of the East Coast.

"Warm Event Winter" image courtesy COAPS

The 3-month moving average SST anomalies in region 3.4 are currently 0.9°C.

CPC/s 3.5-month long-lead forecast for temperature and precipitation...issued AUG 20...reflect elements of an el Niño event.

Complicating the impact of el Niño on the winter's forecast will be the PDO...which is 23 months and four 'years' (OCT - MAR) into a negative phase. -PDO correlates to above normal heights over the SE CONUS...which could keep the primary storm track away from the coast.

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