Saturday, April 26, 2014

Winter '13 / '14 - 'Regular Season' Contest: FINAL Results

Turned out to be a fairly decent season with eight contest-worthy storms.
(DEC - 1; JAN - 2; FEB - 2; MAR - 3)

Top Forecasters ('two-thirds' rule)
1st - donsutherland
2nd - Brad Yehl
3rd - Herb @MAWS
Honorable Mention: TQ

Top Forecasters (entered all eight Contests)
1st - donsutherland
2nd - Herb @MAWS
3rd - TQ
Honorable Mention: Brad Yehl

More 'slice and dice' results at the Contest/s web site here.

Everyone's storm summary data here.

See y'all next winter!

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Winter '13 / '14 - 13th Annual 'Season-total' Snowfall Forecast Contest: FINAL Results

Full forecast verification at the Contest/s web site here.
See y'all next year!

Winter '13 / '14 - 13th Annual 'Season-total' Snowfall Forecast Contest: Forecaster STP

Table ranks Forecasters by their expected cumulative season-total snowfall (STP) compared to the cumulative observed season-total snowfall only.  It does not indicate how well the forecast verified.

Observed:  1412.7"
Period-or-Record normal (PORN):  934"

The cumulative season-total snowfall was 479" (51%) above normal.

GREEN - 75th percentile and above
RED - 25th percentile and below

Winter '13 / '14 - 13th Annual Season-total Snowfall Forecast Contest: Lowest Station Errors

Winter '13 / '14 - 13th Annual 'Season-total' Snowfall Forecast Contest: Season-total Snowfall

GREEN - 75th percentile and above
RED - 25th percentile and below

Only one station (RDU) did not observe at least 100% of their period-of-record normal (PORN) snowfall.

Winter '13 / '14 was a Mid-Atlantic season hands-down.
Lollypop for the 68" at PHL (323% above PORN).

Winter '13 / '14 - 13th Annual 'Season-total' Snowfall Forecast Contest: MAR Totals

GREEN - 75th percentile and above
RED - 25th percentile and below

Winter '13 / '14 - 13th Annual 'Season-total' Snowfall Forecast Contest: FEB Totals

GREEN - 75th percentile and above
RED - 25th percentile and below