The Snow Advance Index (SAI) measures the mean daily rate-of-change in Eurasia's areal snow cover at latitudes equatorward of 60°N during OCT. Published research suggests rapid increases in Eurasia/s OCT areal snow cover are associated with increased season-total snowfall (STP) in the eastern U.S.
Does the SAI provide useful guidance for season-total snowfall at NEWxSFC forecast stations?
Meh ... me thinks.

This analysis looks at the relationship between the SAI and NEWxSFC stations' STP for the winters between '70 / '71 and '17' / '18 (n = 48).
PCT increase in areal coverage is proxy for the mean rate of change of snow cover extent (SCE) from daily snow cover data in the above referenced study. (Cohen and Jones 2011).
AVG PCT increase in weekly Eurasian areal snow cover between Week 40 and Week 44 (OCT): 416% (ORANGE LINE)
OCTs ... where SAI > AVG: 20
Accordingly ... if OCT/s SAI is above AVG ... then STP at NEWxSFC forecast station should also be > AVG.
AVG 'season-total' snowfall (STP) for NEWxSFC forecast stations: 1,042" (GREEN LINE)
Winters ... where STP > AVG: 23
The question the analysis wants to answer:
Does the SAI-proxy - PCT increase in Eurasia/s OCT snow cover - predict whether NEWxSFC forecast stations' STP > AVG.
Years ... where SAI > AVG & Years ... where NEWxSFC stations' STP > AVG: 11 (RED DOTS)
Recall ... there were 20 years when OCT/s SAI > AVG which means nine years the STP < AVG.
Probability of OCT SAI > AVG: 42% (20/48)
For any given OCT ... there's a 42% chance of SAI > AVG.
Probability NEWxSFC stations STP > AVG: 48% (23/48)
For any given year ... there's a 48% chance of STP > AVG.
What's the probability given SAI > AVG ... the STP will also be > AVG?
Cumulative probability for NEWxSFC stations STP > AVG ... given SAI > AVG: 42%
BOTTOM LINE: In any given year ... if the SAI > AVG ... there's a 42% chance the 'season-total' snowfall ... for all NEWxSFC forecast stations ... will be above the period of study's AVG 'season-total' snowfall.
Looking at it another way ... there's a 58% chance the 'season-total' snowfall ... for all NEWxSFC forecast stations ...
will _not_ be above the period of study's AVG 'season-total' snowfall. This isn't to say SAI doesn't offer useful guidance for individual NEWxSFC forecast stations.
OCT-18/s PCT snow cover increase is just under 500% or ~80 PCT-points > AVG; therefore ... there/s a mere 42% chance this season the STP from NEWxSFC/s forecast stations will be > AVG.