So as not to miss out on what could turn out to be a good coastal snow storm...going with the aggressive 12Z GFS / NAM progs for SAT/s event. If subsequent SR runs hew toward the ECMWF 'out-to-sea' scenario...Contest #6 will be cancelled before FRI/s deadline.
Deadline: 10:30 PM EST FRI…18 JAN 2008
Forecast verification begins: 12:01 AM EST SAT…19 JAN 2008
Enter your forecast via the Contest/s
web siteFollow the link to
'Enter Storm Forecast.'
Please enter 0.05 for trace amounts instead of a 'T.'
The Contest Administrator will post all forecasts to the
NE_Wx Google Group within 30 minutes after the deadline and to the Contest web site the following day.
Contest subject to cancellation before the deadline…if forecast conditions warrant.
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Forecasters need to register once before entering…even if they were registered last year.
Registration is simple…requiring only a username and password. If you provide a valid e-mail address…a copy of your forecast will be sent to you. Please ensure your browser is enabled to accept first-party cookies.
Each contest must have a minimum of seven (7) forecasters for the results to be included in the end-of-season standings.
The NE.Wx Snowfall Forecast Contest (NEWxSFC) is a multi-month event that continues into late March or early April. In general…contests are held whenever a decent…synoptic-scale storm rears its head and threatens at least a half-dozen forecast stations with more than nuisance snowfall amounts. Forecasters are called to post their 'storm total' snowfall predictions…on deadline…for 27 NWS / FAA observing stations scattered about New England and the Mid-Atlantic regions. The Contest Administrator determines the deadlines for entries…verifies all forecasts…and publishes the final results to the Contest/s web site.
Please be sure to read the rules before entering the contest b/c your entry constitutes agreement to abide by them.
You can find the Contest Rules and additional information about error scoring…current monthly snowfall climatology from NCDC…daily CPC teleconnection indices…daily NESDIS N-Hemi snow cover…and NWS Daily Climate Bulletins (CDUS41) by pointing your browser
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