Forecaster Summary
Forecasts in the table below are ranked by storm total precipitation (STP) in ascending order. Blue (red) STP values are below (above) the 25th (75th) percentile of all forecast STPs.
Average STP (126.5") per average number of stations (24) forecast: 5.3".
Twelve entries...including three Intern...and eight senior forecasters...issued 288 station forecasts for the winter/s 7th contest snow storm.
Everyone's station forecasts have been posted on the Contest's
web site.
Consensus for a heavy-snow event over SE NY and eastern PA.
Arctic Oscillation (
AO) remains stuck well below zero. North Atlantic Oscillation (
NAO) has climbed to near-zero. Pacific-North American (
PNA) has collapsed indicating a flattening flow across NOAM.
Rapidly deepening surface LOW off the HSE heading for NY Harbor. Storm b/comes trapped below strong HIGH pressure parked over Canada/s maritime provinces.
Verification period ends 11:59 PM EST...FRI 26-FEB-10.
Preliminary storm-total snowfall amounts will be posted the evening of SAT 27-FEB-10.