Friday, September 15, 2017

Winter '16 / '17 - North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Analog Verification

The analog forecasting technique seeks similarities to the NAO state in the run-up to the coming winter with NAO run-up states of winters past. 

The NEWxSFC method ranks analog years by their the sum of square errors (SSE) statistic.
Lower SSE errors ==> stronger analog
Constraining the number of analog winters for analysis to five is arbitrary.

North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Index Analog Forecast Verification
In the run-up to Winter '16 / '17 ... the leading analog was '08 / '09 followed by '51 / '52 ... '54 / '55 ... '74 / '75 ... and '11 / '12.  A qualitative assessment of the forecast's accuracy would rate the top four analog as 'poor' ... IOW ... useless.

Winter '08 / '09 NAO was negative to neutral trending positive into MAR; whereas Winter '16 / '17 was weakly positive trending moderate.  The closest analog ... on the basis of the NAO remaining positive throughout the three-month forecast period ... was ranked last ('11 / '12).

Conclusion:  Winter '16 / '17 NAO analogs showed little ... if any ... skill.

An alternative forecasting technique looks at the NAO's sign for any calendar-year's month preceding the pending winter as a potential leading indicator of the NAO's sign for D-J-F period.

Results from a chi-square 'test for independence' infers a statistically significant relationship ... at the 95% confidence level and a p-value < 0.05 ... between NOV's NAO sign and NAO's sign of the upcoming D-J-F period.  IOW ... if NOV's NAO is negative (positive) ... then the average NAO state during the upcoming winter will also be negative (positive); although the classification model is stronger ... i.e., lower false alarm rate ... for the predictor's month with a positive signs than negative.

Conclusion:  If NOV's NAO is positive ... chances are good the NAO state will average positive during the D-J-F period.

Period-of-record NAO data here.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Winter '16 / '17 - 18th Annual 'Regular Season' Snowfall Forecast Contest: FINAL Results

Four contest-worthy storms this season.  Tied with Winter '05 / '06 for 15th place.
Under the ‘two-thirds’ rule … forecasters who entered at least THREE forecasts are included in this season's FINAL standings..

Top 5 Forecasts (Error statistic:  SUMSQ)
SUMSQ is the primary measure of forecaster skill (lower the better).
Accounts for the magnitude and distribution of the storm-total snowfall for all stations.

Top 5 Forecasts (Error statistic:  Total Absolute Error - TAE)
TAE is the secondary measure of forecaster skill (lower the better).
Accounts for the magnitude of snowfall at each station.

Top 5 Forecasts (Error statistic:  RSQ)
RSQ is a supplementary measure of forecaster skill (higher the better).
Accounts for how well the variability of the observed snowfall was accounted for by the forecast.

Average Z-scores for Forecasters who submitted entries for all four snow storms.

Winter '16 / '17 was only the third season without a JAN snow storm.
Hope to see y'all again next winter.

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Winter '16 / '17 - 18th Annual 'Regular Season' Snowfall Forecast Contest: The End is Nigh

Central Park ... NYC
Despite our longing for one more contest-worthy snow storm ... the long wave pattern shows little inclination to alter its ridiculously stubborn regime of processing 'all' SFC LOWs through the Great Lakes region.

Sure hasn/t been a great season for nor'easters in general or nor'easters climbing the coast from low latitudes specifically.

Most seasons ... it/s all said and done by early MAR.
Average date of the last 4" or greater snowfall:

However ... there are exceptions.
Latest date of the last 4" or greater snowfall:


The end of the Winter '16 / '17 snowfall forecasting season appears nigh.
All else equal ... the season will close on SAT ... 15-APR.

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Winter '16 / '17 - 16th Annual 'Season-total' Snowfall Forecast Contest: FINAL Results

Complete station-by-station forecaster verifications at the Contest/s web site here.

Two perfect forecasts
Donald Rosenfeld 100" @ CAR
Mitchel Volk 15" @ PHL

Near misses
Jessica_wxgirl 0.05" error @ RIC (7.2")
Shillelagh and Jessica_wxgirl 0.1" error @ MDT (23.9")
donsutherland1 0.1" error @ ORH (75.4")
MillVillWx 0.2" error @ ALB (58.3")
kevinmyatt 0.2" error @ NYC (30.2")
weathermbug ... TQ ... and DAROOSTA 0.2" error @ SBY (9.8")
Herb @MAWS and weathermbug 0.2" error @ ORF (5.4")
snowman 0.3" error @ BTV (91.7") and 0.2" error @ EWR (31.4")
Donald Rosenfeld 0.5" error @ BGM (104.5")

Season-total snowfall from all stations (1041") came in 14% above the period-of-record normal (914").  Winter '16 / '17 ranks 6th highest among other Contest years since winter '04 / '05 ... the season when BGR and BGM were added to the station list. 

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Winter '16 / '17 - Season-total Snowfall Forecast Contest: Observed Snowfall Station Summary

New England FTW!

Winter '16 / '17 - Season-total Snowfall Forecast Contest: MAR totals

Station snowfall summary for MAR-17.
Rank ordered by percent of monthly normal.

Station snowfall summary for Winter '16 / '17 - Season-to-date snowfall through MAR

Green ==> 75th percentile
White ==> 50th percentile
Red ==> 25th percentile
Teleconnection indexes and month-over trend (updated as they become available)
AO:  1.365⇧
NAO:  0.74⇩
PDO:  0.74⇧
QBO:  14.35⇩
SOI:  5.1⇧


Winter '16 / '17 - Last Gasp?

THU and FRI/s snowfall over our northern forecast stations may have been this winter/s last gasp for a contest-worthy snow storm.

Station / NWS mid-range forecast (") / STP (")
ALB / 3.5 / 1.8
BDL / 0 / 1
BTV / 2.5 / 2.5
ORH / 5 / 1.5
BOS / 5 / 0.6
CON / 10 / 5.7
PWM / 5 / 3

Four measly stations (five if you include the upper limit at ALB) were expected to see more than nuisance snowfalls.   In the end ... but one came through.

Will keep the window open a little longer for the possibility for one last snow storm.

Over the forecasting contest/s 18 seasons ... there have been five contest snow storms in April ... the last one coming in 2011.  The return period is 4.5 years ... so we're 'overdue' for another.  If not ... the 'Regular' season will end with four snow storms (ranked 15th; top-ranked seasons:  '02 / '03 and '03 / '04 with 10 storms each).

Winter '16 / '17 - Temperature Departure from Normal: Progress Report

UPDATED for MAR anomalies:


Cohen has some ground to make up in the east.
Will FEB offer a lifeline?
CFSv2 image courtesy WxAmerica

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Winter '16 / '17 - Snow Storm #4: NESIS

Rank:  23
NESIS:  5.03
Category:  3
Description:  Major

Large format image here.

NOAA has yet to report how many square miles the storm covered and how many millions of people it affected.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Winter '16 / '17 - Interim Standings: 2

Under the ‘two-thirds’ rule … forecasters who have entered at least THREE forecasts are included in the interim standings.

Complete interim statistics table and charts at the Contest/s web site here.
Forecaster verification statistics for Winter '16 / '17 contest storms here.

SUMSQ errors for each contest snow storm are normalized with a 'Z-score' ... then averaged to compute the standings. If a forecaster has issued forecasts for more than two-thirds of all snow storm contests ... then Z-scores from their 'best two-thirds' forecasts are used to calculate the Interim and Final standings.

Same idea as dropping the lowest quiz score before computing the final grade.