Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Snow Storm #8: Results

NEWxSFC Chief forecaster donsutherland1 made the best synoptic-scale snowfall forecast for Snow Storm #8...where all 27 stations were in play.

His SUMSQ error of 106" (Z-Score -0.945) was 64% better than the average error of 293". Donsutherland1 finished in second place for 'Total Absolute Error' (42.5") and Average Absolute Error' (1.57"). His STP forecast of 174.4" was within 5% of the observed 169.9" STP.

Donsutherland1 had the lowest station errors @ HYA...ORH...ABE... MDT...PHL...and DCA.

Congratulations Donsutherland1

Donsutherland1 wins one free month of StormVista GOLD for his forecasting acumen.

2nd Place: Herb @MAWS (116.8"; -0.890)
3rd Place: dmcguriman (127"; -0.839)
Honorable Mention: Raven (164"; -0.651)

Full forecast verification and results summary here.

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