Saturday, April 02, 2011

Winter '10 / '11 - Snow Storm #8 - The Forecasts

7 forecasters

1 Rookie
2 Interns
0 Journeymen
4 Seniors

Seven is the minimum number of forecasts for the results to be included in Interim and End-of-Season standings.

All forecasts have been posted to the Contest's home page.

Entries are ranked in ascending order by 'storm-total' snowfall.
Please check you entry for accuracy.

Usual range of expected storm-total snowfalls...
Min: 56" (Donald Rosenfeld)
Max: 119" (Roger Smith)
Avg: 70"
Median: 57"
STD: 22"

Consensus heavy snowfall axis from ORH - PWM - BGR - CAR - ORH.

Final results and storm summary early Sunday evening.

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