Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Winter '11 / '12 - Season-total Snowfall Forecast Contest - Call for Forecasts!

Central Park - NYC - 1958
NE.Wx's 11th annual ‘Season-total' Snowfall Forecast Contest is the absolute best...biggest...and probably ONLY chance to be recognized for your long-range forecasting acumen.

All you have to do is forecast the season-total snowfall at 25 stations from RDU to CAR.

Deadline: WED...30-NOV-11 @ 11:59 PM EST

Visit the Contest's website to enter your forecast.  Follow the link from 'Enter Season-total Forecast.'

As always...there are NO costs...fees...advertising...or annoying requests for personal information to enter the contest.
Forecast element:  sum-total season snowfall @ each station
Forecast period:  01-DEC-11 through 31-MAR-12

Verification:  NWS preliminary climate reports (CLM or F6)
Error statistic:  total absolute error [Σ abs(forecast - observed)]

Update your forecast as often as you want.  Only your last entry will be verified.

The reigning NE.Wx ‘Season-Total’ Snowfall Forecasting Champ-een is Roger Smith.  Last year's 'Season-total' forecast summary...verification...and final results ==> here.

The Contest is open to amateur and professional forecasters; broadcasters with or without trained Seals; any and all weather-biz types and / or wanna-bees; wish-casters...astrologers...along with any other universally recognized classes of dreamers; Pollyannas or Cassandras...registered Nostradamusts...non-violent megalomaniacs...woolly-bear caterpillars or their agents...pest detectives...NE.Wx NG regulars and lurkers; refugees from AmericanWx and/or USWeather...including self-imposed exiles from Eastern...and of course...meteorologists.

In honor of ne.weather's patron saint Mr. Joseph Bartlo's final request (RIP)...trolls...goats...hat3-lsiters...and psests need not apply.


Anonymous said...

Could you clarify the period for which snowfall is being predicted, will it include any snow already fallen (the late October storm, all of November) or is it based on snow only in the period Dec 1 to March 31? (I see that's what it says but what do we actually do?)Thanks.

TQ said...

The verification period for the 'Season-total' snowfall forecast contest runs between Dec 1 2011 and March 31 2012.

Any snowfall observed before Dec 1 or after March 31 is ignored.