Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Winter '14 / '15 - 14th Annual Season-total Snowfall Forecast Contest: FINAL Results

Don Sutherland FTW!

The 'season-total' snowfall forecast contest/s error statistic is total absolute error.
For each forecast station ... the absolute value of (Forecast - Observed) is calculated ... then summed.
Forecasts with lower 'total absolute forecast' errors have more skill than those with higher 'total absolute forecast' errors.
P-O-R-N is the 'Period Of Record Normal' or climatology.
Skillful season-total forecasts beat climatology.
Lowest Station Errors
Forecaster STP Summary
Snowfall Totals (DJFM)
DEC Totals
JAN Totals
FEB Totals
MAR Totals
Everyone's forecast has been verified and posted to the Contest/s web site here.
Hope to see y'all back again next winter.

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