Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Winter '21 / '22 - Eurasia Snow Cover: OCT-21

Observed:  10,671,792 km^2
Average:  10,310,000 km^2
Median:  10,130,000 km^2

3.5% (5.3%) above normal (median)
Rank:  19 (n = 54)

Above average snow cover observed in 10 of the past 10 OCTs.
At least 1 standard deviation above normal snow cover in 5 of the last 10 OCTs.

Top Analog Winters (weight) / ENSO state / QBO state
1 - 2009/10 (2x) / W / E
2 - 2001/02 (2x) / nada- / W
3 - 2020/21 (1x) / C / W
4 - 2019/20 (1x) / nada+ / E
5 - 2015/16 (1x) / W+ / W

These analog winters have questionable predictive value b/c a moderate La Nina (C) and QBO-E are expected to prevail during Winter '21 / '22.

Blue markers located between the inner and outer circle have a weak yet statistically significant (p <= 0.05) positive correlation between Eurasia/s OCT areal snow cover and a forecast station/s season-total snowfall.  Strongest correlations found in New England where correlations range between 0.269 (BTV) and 0.376 (ORH).

A paultry ~16% of the variability (R2 = 0.158) in combined season-total snowfall from all forecast stations is explained by Eurasia/s OCT areal snow cover. 

Period-of-Record:  1967 - 2021 (1969:  no data)
Data courtesy Rutgers Global Snow Lab

Previous posts about Eurasia's OCT areal snow cover here

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