Sunday, April 15, 2007

Interim Standings

Click image to enlarge.

To be ranked in the latest Interim Standings...forecasters must have entered at least four forecasts to be eligible under the 'two-thirds' rule.

After five storms...
First Place: Donsutherland1 with an average SUMSQ Z-score of -0.786
Second Place: Raven -0.749
Third Place: TQ -0.653

The third interim summary finds donsutherland1 maintaining his hold on 1st place. Raven moves up a notch to second. TQ jumps from 5th to 3rd.

A data table with the complete interim standing statistics...including Sum Squared Error (SUMSQ)...Storm Total Precipitation (STP)...Total Absolute Error (TAE)...Average Absolute Error (AAE)..and R-Squared (RSQ) at the web site.

The chart shows the distribution of forecaster SUMSQ Z-Scores (plum) and Total Absolute Error Z-Scores(cyan). Lower (higher) Z-Scores indicate better (worse) forecasts compared to all other forecasts made for each storm.

A Z-Score of 0 means the forecaster's error was equal to the average of all forecast errors. A Z-Score of -1 (+1) means the forecaster's error was 1 standard deviation below (above) the average of all forecast errors.

Contest # 5 - Results

Click image to animate.

Full forecaster verification table and contest results at the web site.

Forecasters: 10
8 veterans
2 rookies

Station forecasts: 110
Average stations per forecaster: 11
Stations with observed snowfall: 11

Storm-total precipitation (STP), all stations
Minimum: 32.5” (shanabe)
Consensus Median: 39.75”
Maximum: 65.8” (Donald Rosenfeld)

Observed: 27.35”
Max single station: 11.4” CAR

Storm #5 - Results Summary

1st Place - TQ
SUMSQ Error: 43.9”
SUMSQ - Z: -1.065
STP: 13.15 (6th)
TAE: 17.85” (1st)
AAE: 1.79” (2nd)

2nd Place - Raven
SUMSQ Error: 47.9”
SUMSQ - Z: -0.971
STP: 10.15” (4th)
TAE: 17.95” (2nd)
AAE: 1.99” (4th)

3rd Place - shanabe
SUMSQ Error: 58.0”
SUMSQ - Z: -0.734
STP: 5.2” (1st)
TAE: 20.6” (4th)
AAE: 1.72” (1st)

Honorable Mention - Mitchel Volk
SUMSQ Error: 64.0”
SUMSQ - Z: -0.596
STP: 11.65” (2nd)
TAE: 19.25” (3rd)
AAE: 3.21” (10th)

Congratulations to the Winners!

SUMSQ: sum of square errors
STP: storm total precipitation
TAE: total absolute error
AAE: average absolute error

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Contest # 6 - Canceled

Today/s NWP guidance strongly suggests too few stations are likely to get too little snowfall to warrant a forecasting contest.

Contest # 6 is canceled.

Contest # 5 - Verification

Preliminary storm-total snowfall based on final CDUS41 bulletins from Friday and Saturday.

Report any errors in 'Remarks' along with a link to the correct data. Final results and contest summary will be posted tomorrow evening.

Rank Station Snow
1 CAR 10.90
2 BGR 5.30
3 PWM 3.00
4 CON 2.60
5 BTV 2.20
8 BOS 0.05
12 HYA 0.00
8 ORH 0.05
8 PVD 0.05
12 BDR 0.00
8 BDL 0.05
7 ALB 1.25
6 BGM 1.40
12 ISP 0.00
12 JFK 0.00
12 ABE 0.00
12 MDT 0.00
12 PHL 0.00
12 ACY 0.00
12 EWR 0.00
12 BWI 0.00
12 IAD 0.00
12 DCA 0.00
12 SBY 0.00
12 RIC 0.00
12 ORF 0.00
12 RDU 0.00
TOT 26.85

PWM and CON appeared to be low; however...after comparing the reported snowfall with hourly METAR liquid reports (P/////)...they seem reasonable.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Contest # 6 - Call for Forecasts

Who/d have thought there/d be a 6th Contest storm this year…but here we are looking at a rabid…late season nor’easter with a halfway decent snowfall potential for inland stations over NNE.

Given this storm is ~48 hours away from affecting the first forecast station …there/s a possibility this event will not live up to its advance NWP billing. Saturday/s 12z model runs may force the cancellation of Contest # 6.

Entry Deadline: Saturday...14 April 2007 @ 10:30 PM EDT.

Verification begins 12:01 AM EDT Sunday...15 April 2007 and ends 11:59 PM EDT Tuesday...17 April 2007.

Your forecast must be entered via the Contest/s web site. Follow the link to ‘Enter Storm Forecast.’

All forecasts will be posted to the NE_Wx Google Group by the Contest Administrator before 11 PM EDT Saturday...14 April 2007 and to the Contest web site by Sunday afternoon.

Forecasters will need to register once before entering...even if they were registered last year. Registration is simple...requiring only a user name and password. If you provide a valid e-mail address...a copy of your forecast will be sent to you immediately after your entry is submitted. Please ensure your browser is enabled to accept first-party cookies.

Updates and announcements are posted on the Contest/s web log.

< boiler plate >

The NE.Wx Snowfall Forecast Contest (NEWxSFC) is a multi-month event that continues into late March or early April. In general...contests are held whenever a decent... synoptic-scale storm rears its head and threatens at least a half-dozen forecast stations with more than nuisance snowfall amounts. Forecasters are called to post their 'storm total' snowfall predictions...on deadline...for 27 NWS / FAA observing stations scattered about New England and the Mid-Atlantic regions.

You can find the Contest Rules and additional information about Error Scoring... current monthly snowfall climatology from NCDC...daily CPC teleconnection indices... daily NESDIS N-Hemi snow cover...and NWS Daily Climate Bulletins (CDUS41) at the NEWxSFC web site.

< /boiler plate >

Contest # 5 - Day Two Leader Board

Based on Thursday and Friday/s CDUS41 bulletins and PNS reports.

Mitchel Volk
Donald Rosenfeld

Still snowing at CAR.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Contest # 5 - The Forecasts

Like Contest #4...this snowfall is an interior NE event where the forecast consensus places the +SN axis from BTV - CAR - CON - ALB - BTV with a max of 7.5" at CAR.

Forecasters: 10
Rookies: 2
Veterans: 8

Minimum STP: 32.6" (Shanabe)
Maximum STP: 65.8" (Donald Rosenfeld)
Average STP: 42.7"
Median STP: 39.8"
10th percentile: 33.9"
90th percentile: 55.8"

All individual forecasts have been posted to the NEWxSFC web site. Follow the link to 'Contest # 5 - The Forecasts'. The forecasts are ranked from minimum to maximum storm total snowfall (STP) for all stations.

Verification snowfall reports will be posted Saturday morning. They are considered preliminary and subject to change / challenge for 24 hours...if updated information becomes available. Final results will be posted on Sunday.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Contest # 5 - Call for Forecasts

At this late hard to believe there/s one more snowstorm still in the chamber! Winter took its good ol’ time getting here this year and by all appearances…it/s of no mind to leave.

Given this storm is about 48 hours away from affecting the first forecast station and today/s NWP solutions suggest most stations will have relatively short duration snows…there/s a possibility this event will not be a good candidate for a forecast contest. Wednesday/s 12z model runs may force the cancellation of Contest # 5.

Entry Deadline: Wednesday...11 April 2007 @ 10:30 PM EDT.

Verification begins 12:01 AM EDT Thursday...12 April 2007 and ends 11:59 PM EDT Saturday...14 April 2007.

Your forecast must be entered via the Contest/s web site. Follow the link to ‘Enter Storm Forecast.’

Forecasters will need to register once before entering...even if they were registered last year. Registration is simple...requiring only a user name and password. If you provide a valid e-mail address...a copy of your forecast will be sent to you immediately after your entry is submitted. Please ensure your browser is enabled to accept first-party cookies.

All forecasts will be posted to the NE_Wx Google Group by the Contest Administrator before 11 PM EDT Wednesday...11 April 2007 and to the Contest web site by Thursday evening.

Contest updates are posted on the Contest/s web log.

The NE.Wx Snowfall Forecast Contest (NEWxSFC) is a multi-month event that continues into late March or early April. In general...contests are held whenever a decent... synoptic-scale storm rears its head and threatens at least a half-dozen forecast stations with more than nuisance snowfall amounts. Forecasters are called to post their 'storm total' snowfall predictions...on deadline...for 27 NWS / FAA observing stations scattered about New England and the Mid-Atlantic regions.

You can find the Contest Rules and additional information about Error Scoring... current monthly snowfall climatology from NCDC...daily CPC teleconnection indices... daily NESDIS N-Hemi snow cover...and NWS Daily Climate Bulletins (CDUS41) at the contest/s web site.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Contest # 5 - Status

(Updated below)

Today/s 12z Eta...and its alter egos...NAM...WRF...WTF pointing toward a decent late-season contest event with about a dozen stations in play across nrn M-A and SNE. F-columns are cold aloft at cloud-top and wet wet wet in the 850-700 mb layer.

Look at the Allentown f-sounding shortly after entry deadline fer crissakes! That/s some impressive deep-layer veering and rocket-inflow in the lower levels. Even better thumping profiles to the N and E.

Had my doubts late in the weekend about whether this was another in along series of fantasy storms as the GooFuS quickly backed off its early / colder solns. Not all that different today but real wx forecasters go with the model that gives them the desired for the time being...DaGoof is discarded.

GO / no GO decision coming Tuesday evening.

Tuesday/s 12z Eta/NAM/WRF/WTF still promising a decent contest storm for Thursday over portions of NE. Several stations are no longer in the running (ABE...HYA...and PWM) but enough remain. Final GO / No GO decision awaits Wednesday/s 0z run.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Contest # 5 - Second Chance

Today/s 12z GooFus is advertising another contest-worthy snowstorm for NNE toward week/s end. Surface chart looks similar to the one that got away a couple days ago.

Should all this come to pass according to announcement will be made Tuesday about Wednesday evening/s entry deadline.