(Updated below)NE.Wx/s annual ‘Season-total' Snowfall Forecast Contest is your absolute best...biggest...and probably ONLY chance to be recognized for your long-range forecasting acumen; a recognition you so richly deserve.
Not only that...but if you win the Contest...you get a copy of
"The Snow Booklet"...by Nolan J. Doesken and Arthur Judson or "
New England Weather New England Climate"...by
Gregory Zielinski and Barry KeimWhat other incentive could you possibly want to enter the Contest ?
The reigning NE.Wx ‘Season-Total’ Snowfall Forecasting Champ-een is Duke kc2dux
Last year/s results
Forecast element: sum-total season snowfall
Forecast period: December 1, 2008 through March 31, 2009
Verification: NWS preliminary climate reports (CLM or F6)
Error statistic: absolute error
Deadline: Sunday...30 November...2008 @ 11:59 PM EST
Visit the
website to enter your forecast. Follow the link from 'Enter Season-total Forecast.'
As always...there/re no costs...fees...or annoying requests for personal information to enter.
The Contest is open to any and all of the following:
Amateur and professional forecasters; broadcasters with or without trained Seals; weather-biz types and wanna-bees; wish-casters...astrologers...and other class of dreamers;
Pollyannas or Cassandras; registered Nostradamusts; non-violent megalomaniacs;
woolly-bear caterpillars or their agents; pest detectives...NE.Wx
Usenet NG or
GoogleGroup regulars and lurkers...refugees from
Golden Snowball...and meteorologists.
Trolls, goats, hat3-lsiters, and psests need not apply.
Update:Deadline for entries has passed. Forecasts have been posted on the
web site.