Winter '15 / '16 - 15th Annual Season-total Snowfall Forecast Contest: FINAL Results
Snowman FTW!
The 'season-total' snowfall forecast contest/s error statistic is total absolute error.
For each forecast station ... the absolute value of (Forecast - Observed) is calculated ... then summed.
Forecasts with lower 'total absolute forecast' errors have more skill than those with higher 'total absolute forecast' errors.
CONSENSUS is the mean forecast of all forecasts computed for each station.
P-O-R-N is the 'Period Of Record Normal' or climatology.
Skillful season-total forecasts beat climatology.
Table of lowest station errors.
Table of the total absolute value of (total snowfall forecast - total snowfall observed).
If you finished higher in this table than the 'Total Absolute' table ... you did a better job of forecasting the sum total snowfall amount over the entire forecast area than the distribution of station-total snowfall amounts.
Verified forecasts at NEWxSFC/s web site here.