Contest # 2 - Final Results
Full forecast verification and results summary at the web site.
Follow the links to 'Latest Forecasts' and 'Latest Results.'
Forecasters: 12
9 veteran
3 rookies
Station forecasts: 227
Average stations per forecaster: 19
Stations with observed snowfall: 22
Storm-total precipitation (STP), all stations
Forecast Minimum: 22.45" (Donald Rosenfeld)
Consensus Median: 52.75"
Maximum 116" (edhoffman503)
Observed: 55.3"
Max single station: 6.6" PVD
Shutout: BGR...PWM...BTV...ORF...and RDU
Storm #2 - Results Summary
Congratulations to the Winners!
1st Place - weathafella
SUMSQ Error: 64.5"
SUMSQ - Z: -0.919
STP: 4.3" (3rd)
TAE: 29.9" (1st)
AAE: 1.42" (1st)
2nd Place - herb@MAWS
SUMSQ Error: 73.9"
SUMSQ - Z: -0.837
STP: 6.29" (5th)
TAE: 30.49" (2nd)
AAE: 1.60" (2nd)
3rd Place - donaldsutherland1
SUMSQ Error: 75.3"
SUMSQ - Z: -0.825
STP: 12.4" (8th)
TAE: 30.6" (3rd)
AAE: 1.61" (3rd)
Honorable Mention - shanabe
SUMSQ Error: 114.3" (4th)
SUMSQ - Z: -0.489
STP: 6.15" (4th)
TAE: 35.95(4th)
AAE: 2.00" (5th)
SUMSQ: sum of square errors
STP: storm total precipitation
TAE: total absolute error
AAE: average absolute error