Saturday, January 07, 2023

Wolf Moon

Much the same for JAN-23.

January/s full moon was supposedly named the 'wolf' moon by native Americans living in the NE b/c there were hungry wolves roaming outside their camps.

Color me skeptical but that/s the story.

Even so ... the name does conjure up some dark imagery -- dead of winter ... cold ... lifeless ... short days ... cemeteries.

So ... if the wolves are hungry for food ... then it follows snow crows can be hungry for snow.

Wolf Moon seems like a good description this year even if its origins may not be genuine. The first full moon of '07 comes early this month. Not likely to see any halos portending a snowstorm in the E tonight; although ... it may be a different story later in the month.

If winter/s first Contest storm slips into early February ... it would be just in time for the Snow Moon.

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