Thursday, November 16, 2017

Winter '17 / '18 - Outlooks

Thread updated periodically as new outlooks and forecasts are issued from a variety of credible sources.
Judah Cohen (AER) via National Science Foundation
"The combination of cold and wet could result in an above normal snow season for parts of the northern U.S., including the large population centers of the northeastern U.S.
"... indicators suggest ... the polar vortex will break down later this winter, potentially unleashing an extended period of severe winter weather." (ED:  not necessarily over the Western Hemisphere)
Cohen (AER):  DCA 17"; BOS 64"; all large cities in the NE and M-A above normal
Bastardi (WxBell Analytics):  PHL 30"; DCA near normal
Crawford (Wx Co.):  DCA 17"
Rogers (Commodity Wx Group):  DCA below normal
Tolleris (WxRisk):  DCA near normal
Capital Wx Gang:  DCA 11"; IAD 16"; BWI 16"
Accu-Wx:  I-95 corridor near normal; NYC/BOS >=6" above normal
NECN:  New England near normal 

La Nina FTW!

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