Tuesday, April 01, 2008

7th Annual Season-total Snowfall Forecast Contest - Results

Rookie forecaster Duke kc2dux won the 7th Annual NE.Wx/s Season-total Snowfall Forecast Contest. Duke/s 'total absolute error' of 314" was a 32% improvement over the 'period of record normal (PORN) error of 463".

The season was notable for its heavy snowfall over northern portions of the forecast area where 1/3 of the stations exceeded their PORN snowfall. Snowfall at Concord, NH (CON) and Caribou, ME (CAR) between DEC 1 and MAR 31 was almost twice PORN.

Second place goes to NE.Wx/s Bridesmaid for Life shanabe (error = 332").

Don Sutherland finished in third place (error = 341").

Perfect forecasts:
BOS - Toms92GP* and pablopicasso*
NYC - Steve Okonski
ACY - shanabe

Complete station-by-station forecast verification table and contest summary @ the web site.

Thanks to everyone who entered. Hope to see all of you again next winter.

The Regular Season contest season is coming to a close. MR progs got nothin'. Final results coming soon.

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