Sunday, December 06, 2020

Winter '20 / '21 - Snow Storm #1: Contest-worthy or What?

The winter/s first nor'easter has moved into the Canadian Maritimes but not before laying down an impressive stripe of early season snowfall across northern portions of the forecast area.

On occasion the prestorm NWP output and expert guidance suggest a snowstorm will not be contest-worthy only to turn out to have been a contender.

Did NEWxSFC miss the call on this one?

Not every snowstorm expected to affect the forecast area will trigger a contest. The criteria applied to decide whether a storm is contest-worthy are loosely defined as one expected to:

- Affect at least six to eight forecast stations ...
- Produce more than a nuisance snowfall (>= 4") ...
- Be well progged by NWP ~36 to 48 hours before snow is observed at any one station.

So ... did the weekend storm rise to the occasion or fall short as expected?

At post time ... snow was still falling over CAR and BGR where an additional 4-6" and 1-2" are expected ... respectively.

Elsewhere ...
BDL 0.2
ORH 9.6
PVD 0.2
BOS 0.2
CON 4.6
PWM 1.6
BGR 1*
CAR 11*/**

* snow still falling at post-time
** new daily record on 05-DEC-20

Score one for NWP and expert guidance for correctly predicting the contest for Snow Storm #1 awaits another day.

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