Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Winter '11 / '12 - Meteorological Winter - Month Two

NWS finally got around to issuing their month-end climo bulletins for NEWxSFC forecast stations.

Here's the state of this sad...sad winter.
Northern New England stations barely holding their own.  Most in the top third are half to just under two-thirds their climo total for December and Janaury.

Short of Superstorm '93 seqel...all of the middle Atlantic is down for the count.
Normal season-totals aren't very high to begin all it would take is one good...slow moving coastal to make up current deficits.

Climo columns are the summed monthly totals for DEC and JAN.

Favorite teleconnections finally heading in the right direction over the last 10 days of the month.

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