Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Winter '18 / '19 - Snow Storm #5: Preliminary STP Verification

Preliminary storm-total snowfalls for SUN and MON from CDUS41 (CLI) ... CXUS51 (CF6) ... METARs ... and PNS bulletins.  Good coverage and reporting.

No daily snowfall reported in CF6 or CLI bulletins for 03-MAR-19.
PNSGYX carried 5.8" ASOS
STP may be amended if official data reported prior to posting of FINAL results.

STP estimated by inverse distance weighting of Barnstable county vicinity reports within 10 miles of the station carried in PNSBOX.

Stations observing >= Trace - 22 (81%)
Given stations with measurable snowfall ... stations observing at least:
4" - 14 (64%)
6" - 8 (36%)
8" - 3 (14%)
10" - 1 (5%)

Max snow melt-water (minimum SLR 10:1)
BOS:  1.06"
ORH - 0.88"
BDL - 0.65"

Max precipitation (frozen + freezing + liquid):
HYA:  1.53"
PVD - 1.20"
BDR - 1.08"

New daily record(s)
BDR - 6" (1.5"; 1971)
ISP - 0.5" (0.05"; 1971, 2010)

Image courtesy NOHRSC

SFC analysis:  06z ... 04-MAR-19
Image courtesy NWS / NCEP /WPC

Please report any errors in Comments along with a link to the correct data.
FINAL results expected NLT WED evening.


Don said...

Bangor: 4.8"

Source: Preliminary monthly climate data (CF6) for March and daily climate report for March 4.


And PNS:

...Penobscot County...

Bangor Airport Observer 4.8 in 0100 PM 03/04 Other Federal


TQ said...

You're right.
That's what I have on my data sheet.

Fat-fingered the keyboard making the table for publication.

Don said...

I make countless typos, especially on my phone. Hopefully, this won’t be the last storm.

Unknown said...

BOS finally ahead of DCA for season. It's a start.