Season-total Snowfall Forecast Contest - Winter '08 / '09
Deadline for entries has passed.
There were 30 entries this (7) of which came from Rookies. Welcome and good luck.
Good to see a strong turn out of Veteran forecasters...too. Last year/s contest winner 'duxpond' was a rookie back then and he/s back this year to defend his title.
Everyone/s forecast will be posted later today on the Contest/s web page.
Just for grins...this year/s forecasts were verified against last year/s snowfall totals with these results...ranked 1 to 10:
- garymcm
- TQ
- bubbler86
- Donald Rosenfeld
- jackzig
- weatherT®
- duxpond©
- Mitchel Volk
- Raven
- Don Rooney
© = defending champion

Click image to enlarge.
Update II:
Ranked by storm total precipitation.
Blue (red) cells indicate lowest (highest) tercile.

Period-of-record normal (PORN) snowfall: 916.9"
5 (26) forecasts below (above) PORN.
Consensus forecast: 18.9% above PORN
Minimum storm total precipitation (STP) forecast: 72% of PORN
Maximum STP forecast: 74% above PORN
All forecasts have been posted to the Contest/s web site.