Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Winter '14 / '15 - 14th Annual 'Season-total' Snowfall Forecast Contest: Forecast Summary

Good to see everyone for the 14th Annual NE.Wx 'Season-total' snowfall forecast contest.
Sixteen forecasters this year.
All veterans.

As always, a wide range of forecasts with one lone forecaster/s season-total precipitation (STP) going under the NCDC period-of-record normal (P-O-R-N) season-total snowfall (934").

MIN STP:  866"
P-O-R-N:  934"
MAX STP:  1,546"
AVG STP:  1,175"
Median STP:  1,162"

Total number of station forecasts:  375
OVER:  307
UNDER:  67
P-O-R-N:  1

Forecasts in the table below are ranked in ascending order by sum-total snowfall for all stations.

Blue cells:  <= 25th percentile
Red cells:  >= 75th percentile
P-O-R-N is the Period of Record Normal.
CONSENSUS is the average of all forecasts.


No majority opinion for UNDER snows anywhere.
Unanimous opinion for OVER @ BGR .... CON ... and BOS.

Largest AVG OVER
PHL (168%)
BDR (146%)
BGR ... SBY (142%)

OVER / UNDER forecasts
RDU (9 / 7)
BDL ... BGM ... EWR (11 / 5)
ORH ... MDT ... SBY ... ORF (12 / 4)

These prizes for 1st place will be delivered post-paid right to the forecaster/s front door.

"The Snow Booklet" by Nolan J. Doesken and Arthur Judson

"Snow in America" by Bernard Mergan (hardcover)

Everyone's forecast is available on the Contest/s web site.

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