Friday, November 07, 2008

Eurasia Snow Cover - OCT '08

The sCAST forecast model from AER looks to October/s snow cover over Eurasia...Siberia in a leading indicator for winter temperature departures in the CONUS.

OCT/s global snow cover climo from Rutgers U. 'Global Snow Lab' is shown on the left. What does OCT-08/s snowcover suggest about the coming winter?

Good question.

Even though mid-NOV is coming 'round the apparently too early to tell b/c GSL has yet to post OCT/s numbers / analysis.

We can; however...look @ the bellwether month/s starting point...which includes Week 1.

September/s climo (L) and observed (R).
Click images to enlarge
A lot of ground to make up. Notice how little snow had accumulated over the Himalyan/s and more importantly...Siberia.

Other NEWxSFC posts about sCAST here.

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