Sunday, February 07, 2010

Winter '09 / '10 - Snow Storm #4 - Preliminary Verification

Preliminary storm-total snowfalls for Friday and Saturday from CDUS41...METARs...and CF6 bulletins.

No climate report for SBY at post-time. AKQPNS carried a report of 14" from the airport's emergency manager.  This value may be revised if CDUS41 or CF6 bulletins are issued before final verification.

Interesting to note ACY/s SN:H2O below 10:1.  No rain observed at the station.  Almost 20" of wet...frozen concrete.

Some controversy concerning amounts @BWI.
From The Baltimore Sun...
"The contractor measured every hour on the hour and added it up. That produced a total of 28.6 inches.

He also took a "snow depth" reading, meaning that he measured all the snow at once, after it stopped falling.

Because of compaction, that came to 24.7 inches." 
BWI/s STP may be revised if new information b/comes available.

Nine new daily records.

ACY - 3.6" (1"; 1948)
BWI - 9" (6.4"; 1899)
IAD - 14.9" (1"; 2001)
DCA - 8.7" (7.5"; 1892)

PHL - 22" (12.4"; 1978)
ACY - 14.6" (11.5"; 1978)
BWI - 17" (8.4"; 1978)
IAD - 17.5" (4.4"; 1983)
DCA - 9.1" (4.4"; 1983)

Please report errors and a link to the correct data in Comments.
Final results and storm summary Monday evening.

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