'49 / '50 Analog on Life Support
Accu-Wx went into a defensive crouch today with a missive by WxMatrix/s Jesse Ferrel where he advanced the arguments 'winter hasn/t started yet' and 'it/s not over...until it/s over'.
Both arguments are silly on their face.
If winter has yet to begin...then why does AW/s Winter Outlook include details about early and mid-DEC. Ferrel then argues their outlook covers NOV through MAR. So which is it?
The 'A forecast hasn/t busted until the event has come and gone' maxim is true altho that/s a mighty thin reed given the current state of winter to date and trends in LR NWP.

The time series shows 5H geo-potential heights (left two images) and SLP (right two images) from the pole to 10°N during the first nine days of DEC for 1949 and 2007. Hard to see anything other than weak correlations.

In the mass fields...both years have HIGH SLP over Siberia...altho it/s much stronger in the analog. Evidence of a GOM LOW in the analog is missing in the observed where a broad area of LOW pressure is centered along the International Date Line.
Not looking too good ATTM for our friends at Accu-Wx. They/ve made a lot of noise and thumped their chests since October hawking the near-certain expectation for a sudden...and dramatic about face in temperatures that would occur mid-DEC. At this point...the '49 / '50 analog might need to be placed on life support.
Calling Doctor Howard...Doctor Fine...Doctor Howard.
Had intended to post the analog / observed comparisons last week...but a good contest snow storm came along...and seeing how that/s the reason why we/re here...it was delayed. Will post an update with a look at the period that/s passed since then.